Sunday, April 3, 2011

Glorify Thy Name

What a great day of worship today. This song really resonated with me. I loved studying Matthew and Genesis today at church.

You can listen to today's sermon here on our church website.

I am blessed to be apart of a great church body.

Blogging the Blessings

Day 90

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Productive Saturday

Caught up on my shows I missed this week.

Watched the Eagle some. 1st egg hatched!

P90x day 3. Can you say "I'm sore"?

Planned heart healthy meals for the whole week.

Did grocery shopping for the week.

Cooked Dinner.

Straightened the House.

Watched a Movie.

Prepared for the Children's Sermon.


Oh how I love Saturdays.


Day 89

Blogging the Blessings


Friday, April 1, 2011

Watch Eagles Eggs Hatch (live)

Today a mom of one of my students sent me a really neat link.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Image by blmiers2 via Flickr"]Bald Eagle[/caption]

You can watch a mother eagle (and the father) lay on the eggs and watch the three eggs hatch, live. The eggs are about to hatch at any moment. Researchers believe that the eaglets will arrive between March 30th and April 1st. One of the eggs already has a small crack in the egg. You will be able to see the eggs hatch live. This is such a rare and cool experience to watch this mother and father bald eagle as they prepare for the birth of their little eaglets.

The father eagle and mother eagle built this nest in 2007 and has hatched several eaglets from this nest. The nest is 5 to 6 feet wide and deep. They think the nest could weigh up to 1.5 tons. Yes, you read that right.

You can click here to watch the live footage. This is quite intriguing.
Live streaming video by Ustream

Blogging the Blessings

Day  88

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

I am getting excited about our spirit night at Chick-Fil-A coming up next week. If you are in my area, don't forget to stop by chick-fil-a. We are still getting calls and emails every day about camp. Praying that we will be able to reach several kids this summer for Christ and have some super camps along the way.

If you are a Brad and Emily fan, I hear that they are still together and better than ever. I started following them on Twitter this week. :-)

Quote of the Day: Ms. Hunter you have smooth hands. Me: Huh? Child: you know not like a Grandpa! Me: Thanks, I think. :-)

Question of the Day: "Do you allow adults to go to your camp?" Now which one exactly would you like to go to?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Chick-fil-A[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="220" caption="Image via CrunchBase"]Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...[/caption]

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rain Rain Rain

Such a Rainy Day. I wanted to nap all day, but alas there was work to be done.

Enjoyed Church tonight.

Pot Roast for dinner.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No Blog Night

85 days is quite a feat for me. Rewarding myself tonight with a break. I have some good material coming up for future days.


Happy Day 85 to me!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Image by Annie Mole via Flickr"]Britain Going Blog Crazy - Metro Article[/caption]

Monday, March 28, 2011

Late Dinner

but a good one....

Pot Roast with mushrooms, onions, and carrots.

Long Day. Tired.

Blogging the Blessings.

Day 84

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Going to study tonight for my driver's license test. NC requires you to take the test before swapping over your drivers licenses. I HAVE TO GOT DO THIS! I will get in trouble if I get pulled. So tonight is short, because I hear the test is hard. :-)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Image by Kimli via Flickr"]Enhanced Driver's License[/caption]

I will then be a true North Carolinian! :-) Georgia will always be in my heart though! :-)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Youtube Addiction

You literally can waste hours going from one video to the next. YouTube is addicting. I must confess.

The Shaytards are a loved family on YouTube who simply record their daily life. Shay makes a living recording his life and putting it on youtube. After a few videos, you feel like you are apart of the family. He has hidden the identity of their "real" names by calling his wife and children Mommytard, Sontard, Princesstard, Babytard, and Rocktard. He records and uploads a video every day. He has done this for two full years and is working on his third. His videos are normally pretty clean. The family is Mormon and are pretty open about their faith. While I don't agree with Mormons, I do enjoy watching their videos. I would not be surprised to see this family on T.V. one day. However, right now with over 800,000 subscribers to his videos, I would say that his YouTube viewership is quite impressive.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by sweetteaindahouse via Flickr"]Shaycarl[/caption]

Day 83


Friday, March 25, 2011

1st time Blood Donor

Today our school hosted a blood drive for the Red Cross. Teachers, students, and parents gave blood today. I gave for the first time. I was nervous at first, but the nerves quickly subsided during the process. I am glad to be able to support such a great cause. Aside from having a dizzy spell and having to lay down, the process went surprisingly easy and smooth.

I look forward to more opportunities to give blood.


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Flag of the Red Cross[/caption]

Blogging the Blessings

Day 82


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Letters to Ms. Hunter

Translation: I wanted to go home, but my Mom told me about After Care. Then it was fun and I went home.

Translation: The Lord is our Shepherd. He takes care of us. He will guide us when we are not listening and in Heaven.

Oh the joy! Steal my heart!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 81


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Eventful Afternoon and Adrian Rogers

Excuse my post...

I published before I even had anything written.

Today, I lost my debit card, license, and any card that has some importance. I could remember the exact place that I last had the card. However, my wallet was missing! I was look at the E empty light beaming at me in my car and searching for my missing card. I thought I was going crazy. I had remembered placing it in my purse in the side pocket.

I decided to drive home on fumes and see if it had accidently spilled out at home. I walked in and looked around. No billfold to be found! I sat down and dumped both of my school bags out. Still not there!

I prayed.

Something nudged me to go outside and look under the seats of my car. I looked. Not there. Then I felt a stronger nudge to move the seats. Guess where it was? It was in the middle, underneath the passenger seat of my car! Now, you tell me how it got there?

All I know, is Jesus helped me find my billfold this afternoon.

The time that I got all of that done and gas in my car. It was too late to go to church.

I spent my night praying for my church family  and watching Adrian Rogers. Oh, how I love to listen to Adrian Rogers preach.  The sermon that he gave from Numbers 13 of Caleb's faith and belief in the power of God, was just what I needed to hear tonight. In fact, I am listening to this sermon again right now as I am typing.

"If Jesus Christ is in you, you have all that you need."

all the patience

all the power

all the wisdom

all the joy

I tried to embed the video for you, but it would not work. If you click here, it will send you to the thirty minute sermon.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kerr Vance Gets Flyers

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Chick-fil-A[/caption]

Kerr Vance students watch out for the Colts Kids Camp flyer to come with home you! CCS would like to invite you and welcome you to summer camp this summer!

Parent's mark your calendars for April 5th for our Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 79

On Deck For Tomorrow...

Student Notes to Ms. Hunter

Monday, March 21, 2011

Colts Kids Camp

  • Praying for registrations to keep coming in and for parents to sign up early.

  • Was able to talk to someone and glean great camp administration advice.

  • loved talking to new parents on the phone today

  • scheduled interviews for some of our staff

  • Entered registrations into the computer

  • Praising God for his continued blessings

  • Getting excited about camp!

Colts Kids Camp

Praying for 200

Blogging the Blessings

Day 78


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spiritual Landmines

Tonight Brett led us through landmines to avoid. Tonight's message was very applicable and challenging for spiritual growth.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]An explosion[/caption]

James 1:2-5
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him.

As we grow and mature in Christ we must be keenly aware of landmines. We should not remain where we are,but we are to progress. Spiritual growth requires wisdom. The Wisdom of God guards against the traps of the enemy.

Beware of

1. Landmine of Pride

2. Landmine of Jealousy and Envy

3. Landmine of Unforgiveness

4. Landmine of Fear

Landmines will counteract our spiritual growth and maturity.

Warning video is hard to watch. DEFINITELY NOT FOR KIDS. However, I am posting this video to add a visual to the spiritual effects of a landmine. Landmines can seem innocent in the beginning, but end up having a deadly effect.

To hear tonight's message visit Raleigh Road Baptist Church Website. I challenge you to listen to tonight's message

a. you missed church tonight

b. you struggle with any of the above landmines (which would be everybody)

c. you want to be challenged in your growth

This blog is not intended to be an in-depth recap and you will not receive the "fruit" of this message until you hear it for yourself. The message is not up right now, but should be up tomorrow (Monday).

Blogging the Blessings

Day 77

Saturday, March 19, 2011



[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by davidjwbailey via Flickr"]Supermoon, January 31st 2009[/caption]

Tonight the moon is the closest to the earth and the brightest that it has been in 18 years. It really is a beautiful sight looking at this full moon. Take a moment to go outside on this beautiful night and witness God's magnificent creation!






National Geographic


Blogging the Blessings

Day 76


Friday, March 18, 2011

Justin Beiber

"Justin Beiber is the bomb"

"I love Justin Beiber"

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="210" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]NYC signing September 1,2009 Nintendo Store - NYC[/caption]

"I'm going to marry Justin Beiber"

"Justin Beiber sings like a girl"

I have heard them all! The above quotes are from my students. They either have an extreme love for everything Bieber or they have extreme dislike of everything Bieber.

The girls go on and on about how they LOVE his new movie that is out. One girl even told me she thought it was the BEST movie ever.

The Justin Beiber craze has gotten me starting to think about some teen heart throbs of mine....

New Kids on the Block


Backstreet Boys

Boys 2 Men

All Four One

Who was your favorite teen heart-throb?

Here is a hilarious video that I found of a three-year old girl who was crying because she "loves Justin Beiber." Apparently she skipped her nap that day was a tad bit emotional.

Day 75


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Precious Moments

  • unexpected hugs from students

  • sharing the gospel with a student

  • kids hanging on to every word as you read a book to them

  • cute things they say

  • hearing a child tell other children about Jesus

  • hearing kids repeat scripture

I love my students!
Student desks

Short and Sweet today

Blogging the Blessings

Day 74

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rob Bell Squirms

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

What are your thoughts on Rob Bell's new book, "Love Wins"?

Southern Baptist leaders have this to say about the book:

The following is taken from

"Following are a sampling of what leaders at Southern Baptist seminaries are saying about the book:
-- Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary: "The Bible is clear on the truths of the exclusivity of the Gospel and the eternal nature of both heaven and hell. Jesus, Himself, spoke clearly to these realities and so that should settle the question for all who call Him Lord. He was not ambiguous or opaque concerning the issues as some modern theologians seem to take delight. Further, if Hell is not real and Jesus is not the only Savior, then we have spent billions of dollars and sacrificed precious lives for nothing. Such theological nonsense empties the cross of its power and makes a mockery of the Great Commission text of Matthew 28:18-20, which constitute the final marching orders of our Commander-in-Chief. If I have to choose between the machinations of a modern theological gymnast and the words of Jesus on any issue, I will go with Jesus every time. He can always be trusted. [A] theological revisionist cannot!"

-- Page Brooks, assistant professor of theology and Islamic studies, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary: “Rob Bell’s approach is nothing new. In two thousand years of church history, there is truly nothing new under the sun, even theologically. Bell raises several important questions in the first few chapters of his book, which he does very well with his emergent, postmodern style. Nevertheless, one can see the beginnings of his error at the very start as Bell redefines heaven and hell, and places love as the ultimate virtue of God. This becomes the central problem for Bell’s book: Hell is defined as what people make for themselves by rejecting the Gospel, but hell is not forever in the traditional sense of the term. The book is filled with exegetical gymnastics, historical inaccuracies, and eschatological knots that would even make John the Revelator have a headache. Bell may affirm he believes in heaven and hell, but not in the historical, orthodox senses of the term.

"The primary theological issue with Bell’s book is his emphasis on love as the primary attribute of God. While this is true, the Bible also teaches that justice and holiness are attributes as well. God’s love is also a just love, and His justice is also a merciful justice. In other words, we must see God’s love through His holiness and justice. It is not merely a ‘love’ that wins, but rather it is a ‘just love’ that wins. It is this ‘just love’ that we proclaim in the Gospel. If we exalt love as the only virtue of the Gospel, we undermine the reality of sin, which is an inaccurate representation of salvation and a disservice to the full offer of the Gospel to sinners. Nevertheless, I believe that we can listen to Bell in that he raises the questions for which modern society is trying to find answers. In a Western, postmodern culture where the ultimate societal value is love and peace for all, the questions Bell has offered are certainly in the minds of the contemporary, postmodern generation. I believe the church must be willing to answer these questions, no matter how often or in what manner they are asked.”

-- Jeff Iorg, president of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary: "Doctrinal error, no matter how glibly presented, is still error. Universalism denies the Christian faith. Redefining heaven and hell to explain away the reality of God’s judgment contradicts clear biblical teaching affirmed by orthodox Christians for centuries. Making the Gospel more understandable in our culture is a worthy goal. Amending the Gospel to make it more palatable is not.”

-- Albert R. Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (from his blog): "Time is running out on the Emerging folks. They can play the game of suggestion for only so long. Eventually, the hard questions will be answered. Tragically, when the answers do come, as with the case of Brian McLaren, they appear as nothing more than a mildly updated form of Protestant liberalism. The publicity surrounding Bell’s new book indicates that he is ready to answer one of the hardest questions -- the question of the exclusivity of the Gospel of Christ. With that question come the related questions of heaven, hell, judgment, and the fate of the unregenerate. The Bible answers these questions clearly enough, but few issues are as hard to reconcile with the modern or postmodern mind than this. Of course, it was hard to reconcile with the ancient mind as well. The singularity of the person and work of Christ and the necessity of personal faith in him for salvation run counter to the pluralistic bent of the human mind, but this is nothing less than the wisdom of God and the power of God unto salvation."

-- Rustin J. Umstattd, assistant professor of theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: "It is clear that Bell is not comfortable with the idea that billions of people may suffer in hell. But then, who is comfortable with that? The majority of evangelicals who hold to the orthodox understanding of hell (that there will indeed be people who ultimately reject God and as such are shut out from his presence) are troubled by its implications. But being troubled, even deeply troubled, by the implications of the biblical text does not give us a reason to abandon the text or force it into a mold that rests comfortably with us. It should be our goal to let the Bible be the source and shaper of our doctrine."

-- Thomas White, associate professor of theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: "If Rob Bell or anyone else denies hell and supports Universalism, he falls into a long line of heretics serving the ruler of this world -- asking, 'Has God said?' and then twisting God's Word with an intellectual sleight of hand that is neither creative nor unique. We know Jesus spoke of hell often. If the Bible is true, so is hell. To question such matters is to question the Gospel and biblical authority. Jesus died a substitutionary death paying the penalty so that man would not spend an eternity paying the penalty himself. Those who reject Jesus get what they have requested -- separation from God. Those who repent and believe receive immeasurable grace. Matthew 25:46 makes it clear that if one is eternal, so is the other. The choice is clear and as old as the Garden of Eden: follow the ruler of this world or follow the Word of God."
Compiled by Michael Foust, associate editor of Baptist Press. To read Baptist Press' overview of "Love Wins," visit"

Day 73

Blogging the Blessings

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brad and Emily

Well it is the day after the Bachelor...

Brad chooses Emily! The whole season we all assumed that Brad was going to choose Chantal, but a few weeks ago to our surprise Brad chooses Emily. Emily has been my favorite from the beginning.

Something that bothered me last night on the "After the Rose" show, is that one minute Chantal is crying over Brad not choosing her and discounting his relationship with her and in the next minute she is declaring her love for this new guy. Go Figure!

No doubt Brad probably liked Chantal, but I have this theory that the Bachelor and or Bachelorettes choose their final person long before they get to the final two. There is no way that you can convince me that they make a decision like that in one day. Most of them probably know early on in the season and are forced to say certain things to keep viewers like me hanging on.

We learned last night of the rocky road that Brad and Emily have had over the pas few months. I can certainly see why that is the case. Emily expressed that she would have nervous breakdowns every Monday night and Tuesday. I would too! I don't think that I could ever sit and watch my fiance make out with other women and talk about how much he likes them! Oh nay nay!

I have high hopes for this couple! Out of all the seasons that I have watched, this couple displayed, in my humble opinion, the stamina to make it through. They seemed to be thinking in real world contexts.

Here is an article I read from Yahoo OMG!

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="197" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]The Bachelor (TV series)[/caption]

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- While "Bachelor" fans continue to debate if Brad and Emily are still together, host Chris Harrison tried to put some of the rocky romance rumors to rest.

"I can assure you, they are together," Chris told Access Hollywood on Tuesday morning, following Monday night's season finale, which saw Brad propose to Emily.

After the finale, the couple hit the annual "After the Final Rose" show and revealed they've indeed hit a few bumps in the road along the way.

I've actually talked to Brad. We taped the final rose special about a week ago, but I've talked to him several times since... and they are as good as they've ever been," the reality host added. "They're doing fantastic and Brad... he wanted everyone to know that they're as good and as strong and as sure about their relationship as ever."

In fact, the couple watched the finale and the "Final Rose" on TV together, Chris revealed.

"She's in Austin and went to his home to watch the finale last night and they actually went out last night. So, they went out on the town in public for the first time," Chris said, revealing a text message he got from Brad on Tuesday morning with the information. "He could not be happier, doing great ... and so, again, the whole reason they're not here today, they want to get the heck out of the spotlight and start living their life."

On Tuesday, ABC released a statement on behalf of Brad and Emily, noting their wish to be left alone.

"At long last, Emily and I can be open to the world and each other about our relationship. Though we are madly in love, it has been a bumpy couple of months for us and our priority right now is to focus on our relationship. We hope that you can respect our privacy as we return to normalcy and begin our off-screen lives together," the statement from the couple read.

When it comes to the wedding, it wasn't necessarily marrying Brad that Emily was opposed to - but rather, what she wanted to avoid was having a secret TV wedding -- according to Chris.

"We planned it and we wanted to do it, but Emily was like, 'You're not going to make my wedding day a secret. I'm not going to be able to send out invitations, have my friends and family and make it a huge [day],'" Chris explained, adding that he understood her position. "A first marriage, a first wedding, you don't steal that from a woman. That's a very special day and so even though we could have brought some family in, it wouldn't have been the event that she wants it to be."


Despite cynicism from viewers and fans, having seen more than his share of TV proposals first-hand, Chris insists Brad and Emily have what it takes to make their relationship last.

"You know, I do [think it will last]. Look, it's so easy to say it won't. Statistically, it won't work. Statistically, your neighbors are going to break up and they're going to get a divorce, so it's easy for people to be like, 'Yeah, they'll be done in a week' or whatever. But I don't know. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I know these people and I know they want to make it work," he contended. "Do they have their work cut out for them? Absolutely.

Blogging the Blessings

Day 72

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Brett Marlowe!

Today I was busy, busy, busy answering calls and emails about summer camp! Woohoo! I also spent time working on my curriculum maps. We have to turn in our course objectives, units, and assessments for the year.

Today is Brett's birthday. We are headed to dinner to celebrate!


Cute Kids Sayings Today

"Ms. Hunter, I have peach fur growing on my lip." "Do you mean peach fuzz?" "Nope, peach fur." "Oh, you're a little young for that." "Do you have any Ms. Hunter?" "I sure hope not!" :-)

Said by another teacher: "Ms. Hunter sure is young and fun." Child: "Yeah, and she is single too!!" :-) I laughed out loud on that one, considering this was first grade child! He is a hoot!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ellie loves my shoes!

This weekend just seemed to fly by....

I better get geared up for the new week!

Here are some pictures from today. Ellie decided to put on my shoes at church. Her love of shoes makes her a girl after my own heart! And yes, we do wear the same size shoe. I wish I had video of her walking in the shoes!

If only the shoes matched her dress. :-)

Gotta love Ellie!

Day 70

Blogging the Blessings

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Forward!

Don't forget we lose an hour of sleep tonight. I hate that we lose sleep, but I love that it won't be dark early. I love having long hours. It feels like I can get more done in my day.

I bit the bullet and ordered p90x today. I have wanted to do this for a long time. I have read all of the information, watched the testimonies, and heard of friends doing the program. Dr. Reid one of my seminary professors told me about p90x last year. He started the program and would sing its praises of helping him gain energy and practice discipline.

I used to love to work out in the gym and go for long walks. I have never been a runner. I stopped doing this when I moved to NC in the late summer. I can definitely tell that I have not been working out. My body is tired and I have put on some weight. My main goal is not weight loss, but a healthier body with more energy. I should not be tired at age 25.

My Goals

Discipline to the Glory of God

Healthier Body

More Energy

Day 69

Blogging the Blessings

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hard Working Men at CCS

Our headmaster at school recently purchased new smart projectors for our classrooms. I am excited about using these projectors as teaching tools in the classroom. These past two days some men have been installing these projectors into all of the teacher's rooms. It really spoke volumes to me as I watched how hard these men worked. They were so kind and polite to us in the school.

The two men arrived yesterday morning and began working on the high-school hall. When I left yesterday, they had only 2 projectors fully put up and working. We encouraged them to get a hotel room and rest that night instead of driving back to Clayton. Katherine was able to get them a discount for the Jameson Inn. When we arrived this morning the men had not left to go home. They worked all through the night.

They had finished one room on the elementary hall and was working in two other rooms. The kids and I made them a pot of coffee. They were MUCH appreciative. :-) I don't drink coffee so it was quite a sight watching me try to figure out the coffee pot. One kid asked me, "Ms. Hunter, Do you know what you are doing?"

When lunch time rolled around, we offered to go buy them lunch. We offered our extra pizza. They declined and said that they would keep on working and be out soon. I knew that these two men had to be exhausted!!!

The kids volunteered to help gather all of the boxes and trash and put it into an empty classroom. They loved this task and it was a great way for them to serve.

At five-thirty today the hard-working men finally got to go home to their family. This father and son team worked diligently all day, all night, and all day to finish the job, so that on Monday morning the teachers and students of CCS will walk into new classroom technology.

Praise God for this Blessing!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 68

Getting calls and or emails almost daily about summer camp!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Be Brief Baby Be Brief


I had a LONG day a school today! My kids wore me slap out! We played, built a fort, watched Curious George fixed lunch, played in the gym, finger painted, colored a picture, played in centers....then finally went home! PHEW!

We had men working on our new smart projectors today. WooHoo! Each classroom is getting equipped with these new projectors that work like a smart board on the white board. I think it will be a great teaching tool for the classroom. I am pretty excited about this.

I left work had dinner and finished my night by cleaning, dusting, and mopping.

Needless to say...

I will sleep well tonight! :-)

Blogging the Blessings

Day 66


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Teacher gets Creative

I began to feel like our schedule was the same ole same ole. I wanted to spice up our schedule just a tad for tomorrow.

So, I created this......

This is our schedule for tomorrow. The jar is full of activities that we normally do and some surprise activities that we don't normally do. The kids will draw out an activity card out one at a time and we will complete the task. When that activity is complete, I will choose another child to draw out another activity card.

I think that this will be a fun way to conduct our day. I will update you tomorrow on how it all turns out!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 65


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

  • Miss Hunter, How much do you weigh because you sure don't look fat?

  • 7 year old to 4 year old. You shouldn't worry about weighing 50 pounds because I weigh 50 pounds and I am skinny. I mean really skinny.

  • Miss Hunter, you should have potato salad for dinner.

Blogging the Blessings

Day 64


Monday, March 7, 2011

Bachelor Retraction

I am sorry Michelle. I recently posted about your well umm.... mean tendencies. I now believe that you fell victim to bad editing. Your sarcasm did not  come across well on T.V. Looking back on the T.V. show, I can see your sarcasm. I think that you would agree that you said some things that you did not mean. All of the girls said things that they should not have said.

Tonight, as I watched the Bachelor, I felt sorry for you. I completely disagreed with the way you were attacked tonight. The comments were unnecessary, uncalled for, and rude.

Does anyone agree? disagree? What are your thoughts on Michelle Money?
Did you have a clue that night that you wouldn't get a rose?
Something was off ... After our photo shoot and time to talk at the pool, something felt different. His kisses weren't as passionate or emotional. I could tell his heart was with someone else. In my opinion, that's when he started falling in love with Emily.

Why not talk to him on the way to the limo or once you were inside?
Brad and I did have a personal, positive conversation that gave me closure and helped me feel confident in his decision. They didn't show it. I had a lot to say in the limo as well ... Me laying down was a result of being car sick from talking to the camera while driving down a bumpy road with lights in my face. I was going to throw up.

Are you worried about how you were portrayed and how it will affect your future dating prospects?
Once you meet me face to face and have a conversation, it's very clear that I'm not a villain. I'm not worried about dating. I've just had a hard time finding people to date in Utah. Being a single mom, it's hard to get out and travel and meet men. I'm hopeful. I want to get married and have more kids. I want to be in a committed, healthy relationship with somebody who is confident, can make me laugh and can be a great example to my daughter.,,20467631,00.html

I have read spoilers that say Emily wins. I have also read spoilers that Chantal is who Brad chooses. Who knows? We will see next week!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pinewood Derby

Tonight was the GA's and RA's pinewood derby race. The kids have been working on these cars the past few weeks. We all had fun watching them race the cars. It was hard to get pictures of their fast cars. Here are a few pictures....



Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mom's Funnies!

Mom is notorious for sending me funny videos that she finds. Today she sent me several. Here is one that she sent me today. I thought that this little girl was too cute and smart to boot!

Subs for Dinner!

Blogging the Blessings

Friday, March 4, 2011

Funny Animal Voiceovers

Breakfast. Talked to Mom. School. Taught. Worked on Summer. Welcomed Aftercare. Playground. Snack. Centers. Parent's Pickup. Left School. Wake Forest. Chilis. Celebrated Birthday. Home. Bed. Honk Shoo!

I found these cute videos today through a friend on facebook. There is a series of these videos online on youtube. BBC produced these videos.

So, today it is just a Friday night laugh....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dinner Made Easy

I am loving finding new recipes on the Betty Crocker: Dinner Made Easy website.

Tonight's dinner:

Southwestern Cheese Steak

Delicious yet simple

Brown the Steak

Remove Steak from skillet

1.5 cups of Salsa

1.5 cups of water

Combine Salsa and Water in the skillet

Bring to a Boil

Pour in Pasta

Put Meat back into skillet

Cook for 15 minutes

Add 8 ozs of Velveeta Cheese

Mix Well and Serve

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Last Night's Dinner

Bow Tie Pasta

Bag of Frozen Stir Fry Vegetables

Beef Strips

Diced Tomatoes

1 tsp of garlic salt

1/4 tsp of pepper


Boil your pasta.

While your pasta is boiling, put a tbsp of olive oil in a skillet.

Place the bag of frozen vegetables (onions and bell peppers) into the skillet

Stir for 3 to 5 minutes

Add your beef strips to the mix.

Cook until no longer pink.

Add your diced tomatoes, garlic salt, and pepper.

Mix well.

Pour meat and vegetable mixture over pasta.

Serve with bread!

Yum! Yum!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Created to Worship and Obey

I had the opportunity to speak in elementary chapel this morning.

Here is what we talked about....

God spoke into existence                                           the day

the night

the land

the sea

the birds of the air

the creatures

God created and formed into existence male and female.

God spoke creation into existence. God created and formed man into existence.

Male and female he created them in his image. Gen. 1:28

God gave them the mandate to be fruitful and multiply. God gave male and female a purpose for living. Gen. 1:29

God gave Adam a job. His job was to cultivate and keep. The hebrew translation of cultivate and keep is worship and obey. Gen. 2:15

God created us to worship and obey Him.

God created us to worship Him.

How can we worship God? How can we praise God?

Worship is ascribing to God his worth, glory, and honor. Praising God is our response to what God has done for us on the cross.

We can worship God through our thoughts, words, actions, and prayers.

God created us to worship Him.

God created us to obey Him.

How can we obey?

We obey God by honoring his word and commandments.

What is the greatest commandment that we are given?
Love God and Love Others

We obey God by

We are created to obey.

The sole purpose for all human beings living here on this earth is to worship and obey God by ascribing to God all of HIS glory and honor.

Day 56

Blogging the Blessings


Monday, February 28, 2011

Things I love...

Tonight's blog was inspired by our thunderstorm this afternoon. I love a good thunderstorm. Mom taught me as a child to love thunderstorms and not fear them.

Things I Love

Listening to a good thunderstorm

Pouring rain

Curling up in my papasan chair

Bubble Baths

Reading a good book

Romantic movies make me giddy!

Sweet Tea

Rocking on the Front Porch

Curling my hair!

Dancing when the credits roll on a movie

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]a Thunderstorm near Pritzerbe[/caption]

Dancing with Mom in the kitchen

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream



Cookout, Subway, and Chick-Fil-A

Snuggling Up


Blogging the Blessings

Day 55

Today's Featured Image is from my front porch in GA!


Sunday, February 27, 2011


Recently, I have been on a NCIS kick. I have at least 20 episodes, and counting, recorded on my DVR.

Anybody else hooked on NCIS?

I love shows that make you think and this one definitely does.

Comment below and tell me what show you are hooked on watching?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Main logo/inter-art for the television series ...[/caption]

Day 54

Blogging the blessings

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pajama Day

Some days are just Pajama Days. Today is one of those days for me. I am embarrassed to say, I have not been out of my pajamas today.

Have you ever had one of those pajama days?

Running another low grade fever. I guess my body is still trying to recover. :-(

Nothing More...

Day 53

Blogging the Blessings

Friday, February 25, 2011


Another quick note because my day has not been eventful...

I woke up this morning feeling tons better. God is truly my healer. I think that my body was fighting off something.

A coworker of mine called me yesterday and told me about my kids praying for me. They are such a blessing in my life. I can imagine their sweet little prayers yesterday. I know that the Lord heard those prayers! Sweet babes!

I was able to clean today and rest. Rest always does a body good.

I leave you with a song that has been on my mind today.

Thank you Lord for your healing power.

Blogging the Blessings

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]French Alps (Dec. 25, 2002) -- A Sailor assign...[/caption]

Day 52

Praying for the youth and Brett that are on a ski trip this weekend.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fighting Germs

Just a quick note, so I don't miss a day.

I left work early this afternoon because I was achy and had a little fever. I am not one to run fever, and if I have a small one it usually means I am coming down with something. I wanted to be safe with the all the kids and try to get rid of all the germs.

I am doctoring up and hoping my fever goes away.

Thanks to Katherine, another teacher, for staying with my kids this afternoon.

Blogging the Blessings

Day 51

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Andres Rueda via Flickr"]Banned Mercury-in-Glass Thermometer[/caption]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Flyer Sightings in Henderson, NC


This was such a sweet sight to me of my favorite meals, from one of my favorite places, advertising my favorite camp. God is so good. Colts Kids would not have had this opportunity without it being part of His plan.

This my friends, is blogging the blessings! What a wonderful way to celebrate 50 days of consecutive blogging!

Day 50

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by j.reed via Flickr"]Big lunch[/caption]

P.S. I did not keep the flyer. I gave it back to be reused!



Tuesday, February 22, 2011

World Changers

World Changers is coming to Henderson, NC. I was blessed to sit in on a meeting tonight discussing World Changers coming to Henderson to work on homes through out our community.

About 200 youth from throughout the nation will be staying at Crossroads Christian School and working in homes through the community. Churches are going to sponsor these homes and provide meals for the students.

This is such a great ministry to our area. I am excited for the opportunity CCS will have to minister to these students as they minister to our area. I am already thinking of ways that our camp kids will be able to learn from these students and encourage them.

Here is a link to World Changers if you would like more information about this awesome ministry that works on homes in the US and around the world.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="160" caption="Image by Capt Kodak via Flickr"]World Changers - Little Rock, AR - 2007 - Imag...[/caption]

Blogging the Blessings

Day 49

Monday, February 21, 2011

I am excited to announce...

Watch for ColtsKids Camp flyers in a Henderson, Chick-Fil-A near you!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image via Wikipediak"]Chick-fil-A[/caption]

YES! Shout with excitement with me! I have been anxious to share this news for a while. Chick-Fil-A is going to place flyers on their trays for the next few days and then will place flyers in the kid's meal bags.

The cow will visit some of the camps this summer and play with the kids. I think that this a great partnership and look forward to working with such a great company!

Stay tuned for some more exciting things that Chick-Fil-A and CCS ColtsKids are going to do together.

I know that this partnership will help us spread the word about summer camp to our community!

CCS parents if you read my blog do not wait too late to sign up for camp! Sign up now!

Blogging the Blessings

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by lymang via Flickr"]Chick-Fil-A Cow in Chapel Hill[/caption]

Day 48

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Sinful and Worshipful Heart

These statements from this morning's service has resonated with me all day today....

"From the heart we sin against God. From the same heart we worship God."

"The righteous standard of God starts with the heart not the act"

"Sin begins on the inside of us before it is manifested outside of us"

Psalm 51:1&2

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin!"

Psalm 119:9-11

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you, let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Image by Count The Cost via Flickr"]Psalm 119:48[/caption]

Lord may I...

Study your word and hide it my heart.

Pray your word and speak its truth into my life.

Obey your word and not be a hearer of the word but a doer.


If you would like to hear today's message, please visit Raleigh Road Baptist Church Website for an audio recording.

Today's Message

Blogging the Blessings

Day 47



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Beautiful Weather and Funny Lady

The beautiful weather always inspires me...

Car Cleaned Out

Had the oil changed in my car (Daddy would be proud)

Straightened my apartment

Cleaned my dishwasher

scrubbed the bathroom

Washed Clothes

Created a filing system for my bills

filed my bills

I accomplished a lot today and ended my day with a nice meal at Ruby Tuesday's.

I will leave you with this funny Atlanta lady Megan McGlover. If you have not already watched a few of her videos, let me introduce you to them! She does "weather" videos from the city of Atlanta, Georgia. If you are from Atlanta, or have ever lived in the local area, you may find some of her videos quite funny!

Day 46

Blogging the Blessings


Thursday, February 17, 2011

True Grit: Original vs. Remake

Went to see the remake 'True Grit" tonight. It had very little cursing and most of the sound track was the hymn "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms."

If you had to choose, would you choose the original....

or the remake?

[polldaddy poll=4578759]

Blogging the Blessings

Day 45

Flat Stanley

Today I started the Flat Stanley Project with my kids today.

FYI: Flat Stanley is a children's book about a boy named Stanley that became flat when a bulletin board fell on top of him. Since Stanley is flat he is able to slide through thin spaces and fit in envelopes. Flat Stanley has traveled the world in an envelope to different countries, cities, schools, and families. Teachers use this book to create a learning experience for students. If Flat Stanley visits, you take pictures of your adventures and the place where you live. You write letters back describing Flat Stanley's experience with you.

I have a family that I am connected with that we are responding to their Flat Stanley letters. I think this is a neat project to help my students grow in their writing and literacy skills. They are loving the book as I read it to them.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="234" caption="Cover of Flat Stanley (picture book edition)"]Cover of [/caption]

We are planning on taking him on our picnic tomorrow. The kids had fun listing places that we could take Flat Stanley today!

Any teachers that have any Flat Stanley experience?

Any teachers or families that would like to respond to our Flat Stanley letters?

I really think that it would be cool to get connected with people all over the U.S. and the world. The students could really learn a lot.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I am Blessed!

When I was 16, I loved Rachel Lampa's song "I am Blessed". Every time the song came on in the car, I would joyfully belt out the song... out of tune I might add. Someone gave me her C.D. and I would play the song over and over in my 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier.

I was reminded of that song today as I thought through how the Lord has blessed me.

He blessed me with free curriculum for our summer camps that fits the camp themes.

He blessed me with a beautiful day that allowed me and my kids to stay outside for over an hour.

He blessed me with a coworker that encouraged me in my job today.

He blessed me with new clothes, literally left in front of my car.

He blessed me with a conversation with a friend that helped me to organize our sports camps and provide resources for the camps.

He blessed me with more camp enrollments today.

He blessed me with a wonderful church family to worship and study God's word with tonight.

He blessed me with a conversation with a mother today about her daughter's spiritual growth. Mother said to daughter while explaining Disney World, "Some people think that Disney World is the greatest place to be." Her 6-year-old daughter responded, "No Mommy, the greatest place to be is with Jesus in heaven!" Truth spoken through the mouth of a babe!

He blessed me with the gift of roses that I was able to see and smell all day long!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 44


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love Worth Finding

Beating Hearts

Happy day after!  I hope that your day was filled with joy as you have spent it with your sweetheart.  I enjoyed hearing  the Valentines Day stories of my friends and co-workers.

All over the world, men and women celebrated "love" on Valentine's day. Some celebrated with going out to eat, while others ordered food in and spent the night have quality conversation. Others may not have celebrated and called the day "overrated". Some men and women ended the day happy, while others may have ended the night in tears.

Hear this important word...

Jesus is the greatest love that has ever existed and will continue to exist. He is the love worth finding.

John 15:12-13

"This is my commandment, that you love one another, just as I loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you."

My Jesus calls me friend and he laid down his life for me. My friends there is no greater love! In this, I celebrate, rejoice, and worship!

Love is....    (leave a comment below and fill in the blank)

Blogging the Blessings

Day 42

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! Today has been great. The kids loved the games and cupcakes. They are my little sweethearts. Tonight I am busy celebrating Valentines. :) Look for tomorrows post "Love Worth Finding"

Mom sold out of Roses! Praise the Lord. Sorry Fellas!

Blogging the Blessings
Day 42

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Best Valentine's Day Card Messages

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Angelina Cupcake via Flickr"]Rose Heart

Most of the time , at the flower shop, we don't get to read Valentines day card messages. Mom usually hands the men the cards and let them fill out the card. However, sometimes the orders are taken over the phone or the men insist on us writing the cards.


Here are a few of the best ones...

I wouldn't trade you for anything!

I wouldn't trade you for a mule!

You may not like me and I know that I messed up, but I still love you!

Your the only one for me!

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I love you!

Valentine cupcakes - single red rose & glitter...[/caption]

You are more beautiful than these roses!

I'd marry you all over again!

Beautiful flowers for an even more beautiful you!

Just twelve little ways to remind you that I love you (dozen roses)

Around you I lose myself, away from you I find myself wanting to be lost again!

And last but not least... We only got this card one time.

Will you marry me?!?!?


Blogging the Blessings

Day 41

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Flower Buying Tips

This guy has some good tips. I disagree with some of his tips. Watch and I will explain below.

1. I agree, beware of internet ordering. You may end up with flowers that arrive in a box. Box delivered flowers are not shipped in the vase or in water. You will have to arrange the flowers once they arrive.

2. Ordering flowers online with big companies is not wise. These are called "flower order gatherers". These orders are taken online and sent to the real local florist to fill the order. Ex. You may order an $85 arrangement. The florist receives the same order for $50. Where does the money go? The money goes to the order gatherer and your recipient does not receive what you paid for in the beginning. You may call to complain and they will blame the florist. This is not the florists fault. These order gatherers will make promises that the florist can not keep. The customer always suffers.

3. The local florist is the best bet! You will receive more for your money and the designers will create something specifically tailored to your needs. Beware of this guys advice with Google. Ex. There are several local florists listed in my mom's small town. However, she is the only local florist. These florists even list a local address. They lie! It is deceiving.

4. If you are from out-of-town, call the florist and ask a few specific questions. What address are you located at? Are you an answering service for the florist? Are you in the location of the florist? Some larger local florists do have answering services. However, you should be able to tell by spending a few minutes on the phone. I promise calling is worth the hassle!

5. I disagree to only choose a florist that has 6 more full-time paid employees. The amount of employees does not always necessarily mean the quality of a florist. I have known several premiere florists that did not have 6 full-time employees. My mom does not have 6 full-time employees. There are plenty of premiere and quality florists that don't have that many people working. Most florist will hire seasonal help just for Valentines day delivering. They may also hire seasonal designers.

6. Why are flowers so expensive on Valentine's Day? Don't blame your florist. I promise the florist does not mark up the prices of flowers. In fact they wish that they could sell you the flowers for cheaper. However, wholesalers and distributors mark up the prices of flowers before Valentine's day because of the demand. Roses can go up 50 cents over night. A florist will do the best that they can to ensure you receive quality for the best price.

7. Build a relationship with your florist. If you haven't already, start now. Florists can cater better to your needs if you build a relationship with them. A florist can't know you by reading a generic order over the internet. You will have more creative and tailored designs this way.

8. Don't try to design the flowers yourself. They are the professionals! You will have better results this way. Designers choice is always the best way! You can tell them the types of flowers you like if you are nervous. Ex. I don't like carnations. If you build a relationship with a florist, they will know these things about you.

9. What about cheapo Valentine's Day flower deals? These are deceiving! Most of the time these flowers are what other florist may be ready to through out the door. Also, they are a cheaper quality of flowers that will die much quicker! Tonight, I went to a local store and saw some men looking at roses. I wanted to tell them that the roses they are looking at will be dead by Valentine's Day. Florists always have better quality flowers.

Hope this helps you!

Please be in prayer for my mother and father. Mom is really really sick with some kind of cold. I have never heard her sound so bad. She needs strength for Monday! Pray for her healing. Please also pray for my Daddy. His knee is red and swollen. They think it may be a bite of some kind. He is having trouble walking. Please also pray for his healing. Mom and Daddy can not be sick on Valentine's Day. This is vital.

To all of my florist friends out there.... I will be praying for you Cydney, Cydney's Dad, Susan, and Lauren! Have a fabulous Valentines Day!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 40

Friday, February 11, 2011

Chick Flick Addict

I like the teary eyed ones. I like the cheesy ones. I like the teeny bopper ones. I like chick-flick movies! I love that around Valentines day there is always a good chick-flick movie on the TV. Days leading up to Valentines Day I am always watching Romantic Chick Flick movies!

Here are a few of my favorite scenes...

Hope you enjoyed them!

Day 39

Thursday, February 10, 2011


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Yetta Rosenberg[/caption]

The morning of Valentines Day is always an early one. In fact we were lucky if we got sleep.

Mom is always organized and knows what orders goes where. She has this meticulous plan of how the delivery process should go. Each delivery vehicle is equipped with water for flowers, maps, pens, we missed you cards, a phone book, cell phone, pepper mints and food for the drivers, and flower emergency kits.

Cupid Richard on the other hand has a philosophy of the more orders he can grab for delivery the better! He walks in like a tornado grabbing up orders. He is a man on a mission. Mission: Get the job done. Mom just turns circles. They balance each other out.

Riding with Daddy can bring some adventure. His job is to drive and my job is to jump out and deliver the flowers with a smile. One thing I love is that Daddy will stop and get a snack or something to drink. We don't tell mom. Snacking does not fit her schedule.

One delivery I went on was delivering to a older lady. I jumped out of moms ford explorer with the beautiful flowers in my hand and a smile on my face. I knocked on the door and waited. I hear "Just a minute!" I waited and waited and I waited a couple of minutes more.

Then to my surprise the lady walked to the door in nothing but her brassiere and granny panties! Now answer me this, why in the world did it take her ten minutes to get to the door if she was just going to come to the door in her skivvies?

Oh my!

I have always been Cupid Richard aka Daddy's valentine. In fact, he makes sure that I have a beautiful bouquet of  flowers and or a stuffed animal. He is so sweet. My mother on the other hand wants chocolates and a foot massage!

Daddy will you still be my valentine?

Blogging the Blessings

Day 38

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cupid Richard on deck for tomorrow!

I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date....

with you guys!

I only have a few minutes before midnight to meet my goal. I am supposed to tell stories of Cupid Richard and delivering....but there are too many stories for the little amount of time that I have. That will have to wait until tomorrow.

We are anticipating snow tomorrow. I don't think that we are going to have anything much, but there always the dream for snow!

I can remember many rainy  and cold Valentines Day.

Sorry for the short and mundane blog, but I did tell you at the beginning of the year that some blogs would be that way.

Maybe a funny video will make up for it. :-)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cupid Richard and Sweetie Nancy

Valentines Day Story #1

Many of you know my mother as "Sweetie". Perfect name for her!

One of mine and my mothers favorite Valentines Day candy is the sweetheart candies with messages on them. We love them because you can come up with fun and silly things to say to a person via the sugar candy hearts.

If you dare to walk in the organized chaos of Nancy's Flower Shop on Valentines Day you might would find a bag of those candies lying around along with a great assortment of chocolate. FYI chocolate on Valentines day is for the florist not the girl. This year, give your local florist the chocolates and give your girl the bouquet. Florist need the chocolates to calm the stress.

The week of Valentines day is spent by taking orders, skinning roses (cutting the thorns off), organizing timed orders, skinning roses, routing orders, skinning roses, taking orders, skinning roses.

Bonnie, did you skin the roses yet? Hey Bonnie! Process those flowers and get them in the cooler. Somebody answer the phone!

Yes, the hectic-ness of the week may make your brain tired, but we would not trade it for anything. It brings us utter joy to see the eyes of a lady light up when we walk in with a bouquet of flowers with her name on it. It melts our heart when we see tears in a grandmother's eyes as she has just received a bouquet from her grandson. It brings us excitement when we see men gush when they talk about their sweethearts. This very reason is why I love Valentines Day and miss working at Mom's shop.

There is also one important discussion that takes place the week before Valentines day. What will we wear? Mom can come up with some crazy things for her staff to wear that day. I think that it adds an element of fun to that day. Feather boas, heart headbands, and twinkling necklaces have all been apart of our Valentines Day attire.

Breakfast and Lunch is always provided by Mom. Mom aka Sweetie will make a pot of chili or taco soup for her ladies to eat. You are lucky if you get to sit down long enough to eat a bowl. Well, let me correct myself, Mom would always make sure her employees ate. Mom rarely gets to eat.

Yes, it is hard work, but we have created memories that will last a lifetime and we love the tradition of Valentines Day!

Tomorrow: Delivery Adventures with Cupid Richard aka Daddy!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 36


Monday, February 7, 2011

One Week Until....

Valentines Day!

Valentines Day has to be one of my favorite days of the year. I have "loved" this day since I was a little girl working in my moms flower shop. I would skip school, with permission, to work in her florist. I loved the excitement and business of the day. My favorite is seeing all the young men and old men alike come in and buy flowers for their sweetheart, mothers,

I loved watching some men get creative and request orchids, lilies, and mixed bouquets instead of a dozen roses.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by paparutzi via Flickr"]red roses[/caption]

However, roses are a classic and definitely have their place. (Attention: Men of HC please don't order an orchid the day of Valentines day! My mother will not be happy with me.)

I am a HOPELESS romantic and I dreamed of my prince charming as I worked the day away.

Beware! If you were one of my close friends, my mom would recruit you to work on that day.

We always try to get Daddy to dress up as cupid. It has not worked thus far. Maybe this year is the year....

This week I am going to devote my blog to Valentines Day memories of working in the Flower Shop. Some are quite hilarious and others are sweet. Be sure to stay tuned.... stay reading!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 35

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Night Off

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by CasaDeQueso via Flickr"]Packers Helmet[/caption]

I am taking the night off.

Somehow, my dates on the blog has been off by one day. In order to let my dates catch up with my posts, I am going to take the night off.

BTW This still counts!

Blogging the Blessings

Day 34 (again)


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rejected Super Bowl Ad

What's is on the lineup for Super Bowl commercials this year?

According to Fox, not this ad....

The commercial was rejected by Fox Sport because it contained "religious doctrine". According to brief research on my part, the commercial was written and produced by a non-profit company whose mission for the commercial is:
"Fixed Point Foundation hopes to encourage fans to look up John 3:16 and consider its meaning."

The commercial will be aired on some local stations in Alabama, where the organization bought out air time.

What I know is this, God is sovereign. Nothing surprises Him or catches Him off guard. This happened because God allowed this to happen. Actually, I believe that the commercial might just get more attention because of the "fair and balanced" decision of Fox Sports.

Day 34

Blogging the Blessings



Friday, February 4, 2011

Mama's Sayings

Mama always said  "A clean desk always makes for better work"


I agree! I went to look for something today and I ended up cleaning junk out of my desk and removing some clutter. I moved my pen jar. The kids love to come grab pens and pencils out of my jar. Not anymore! They are organized and sorted. Markers on one side and pens on the other.

One thing I will never take off of my desk is the evangacube. My kids love to come grab it and flip through the different parts of the gospel story. One little girl grabbed it today and said, "Will you tell me the story again?" Oh what precious words to hear from the mouth of a babe! Telling her the story was the most important thing that I did today. She listened intently. God is good.

Here are some more of Mama's sayings...

"I didn't fall off of a turnip truck yesterday"

"Don't make me knock you into the middle of next week!"

"You would have thought I had given her a golden monkey."

"Don't put the cart before the horse."

"As easy as sliding off a greasy log backward"

"You are barking up the wrong tree"

"That ain't Daddy's cup of tea"

"Don't bite off more than you can chew."

"Don't count your chickens until they hatch."

"Don't let the tail wag the dog."

"It's time all old dogs are dead. Aren't you glad you are a pup?"

Well I  do declare it is Day 33!!!!!

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