Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day #1

Schools Out for SNOW! No wait..... for ICE.

I enjoyed a day at home relaxing and a tiny bit of cleaning. I got caught up watching "The Bachelor." Already my favorite is Emily from North Carolina. She appears to be the epitome of a Southern Belle. The birthday girl Michelle has potential of causing DRAMA later on....we shall see!

Any handymen out there?

I was washing clothes today and my washer got off track. I rushed to go reposition my clothes and this is what I found....

My washer is leaking water! I am hoping that this is just because my clothes were off balance in the washing machine.

I am glad that I found it! I quickly mopped up the water and place a towel to catch anymore water that may escape. I am really hoping that I am not about to have to buy a new washing machine. :-(

What do you think? Is the water due to the clothes being off balance? Or am I about to have to shell out some money for a new washer?

Day 9

P.S. School is out again tomorrow....I may have to go brave the roads. Cabin fever is starting to set in!

1 comment:

  1. Mike said he would be glad to come look at it, just let him know. He doesn't think it's because it was out of balance.


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